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There’s a saying that goes, it’s lonely at the top, but does it really have to be? What else is it that you’re telling yourself that’s stopping you from going for that top job?

When it comes to leadership, you can have your cake and eat it as they say.

Today I want to help you get clear on what it is that might be getting in the way of you achieving your own career goals. 

And there’s a big hint..

“It could be you”

So let’s start with that first saying that I mentioned, “it’s lonely at the top”.

Perhaps in days gone by, this made some sense because there was one model of leadership, which was command and control. 

Now, with this model of leadership – there’s one person who’s in command and that same person controls it all. There’s a strict hierarchy followed by everybody in the organisation and sustained by the leader. This does mean that the leader can become isolated as they themselves distance themselves from everybody else in this ever-changing world.

This style of leadership is not the most appropriate anymore. Yes, there are times when you, as the leader will have to make the final decision. And there are times when there’s a metaphorical fire in the building and your ability to think and act quickly could be required. 

But what if someone else in your team is actually more technically able to put out that fire?

Would you still insist on doing it yourself because you’re the leader or would you take advice and instruction from that individual? 

Would you make sure that they took charge? 

Collaboration in teams is essential. Things change far too fast for it all to come from one person at the top. 

As a leader, you want to know your people and create a culture of care, collaboration, and connection. You’ll therefore be an integral part of the team rather than on the margins of it. 

Through the connection and culture you create, it could even feel more like a family and not lonely at all. 

Do you have a culture of collaboration, care and connection in your team? If not, what’s stopping you? Let me know in the comments below on this article.

The other thing that you can do to make sure that you get the support and the community that you need, is to make sure that you have a great network both inside and outside your organisation. 


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Another saying is.. 

“having your cake and eating it”

Many of my clients come to a moment in our relationship when they find themselves at a crossroads and usually say something like..

Am I happy where I am now with the responsibility I have?

or do I want to go further? 

And it’s a fabulous question to ask yourself because we don’t all have to want to keep climbing that corporate ladder. 

The key is choice

Having the choice to do so or not. However, alarm bells start ringing for me.

When clients say to me, 

“No, Sonia, it’s not for me” 

“I wouldn’t have a life. The higher up you go.”

“The less time you have available for yourself and for your family. And I just don’t want that. “

Now, the reason the alarm bells start ringing is that this is a belief. It’s not an absolute truth, and it’s not a lie.

It’s simply a belief that could be getting in the way of achieving what you really want to achieve. Now, as I’ve mentioned, I am in no way saying that I believe that everyone needs to keep striving for more responsibility and a bigger job, but if that’s what you want, this belief could either be standing in your way, or it’s going to set you up to make a choice that you may not need to make.

If you make the choice of going for that position, then you may find yourself working in a way that actually leaves no time for your family and all those other things that you know are important to you.

Again, this is about choice and this time a choice of how you work and how you make time for everything that’s important to you – family, friends, wellbeing, and work. 

What if you were to hold these beliefs instead?

  • I have time for everything that’s important to me. I just need to prioritize. 
  • Delegating is a core skill of mine, and it helps people who work with me to develop,
  • Taking time to think and reflect, improves the quality of my work and how much I actually get done.
  • If I am well, I am more productive. 

What would happen if you were to swap these beliefs for the ones you might be holding on to now? 

Share in the comments below what difference this might make to you.

I’ve worked with countless senior executives who managed to take on some of these beliefs for themselves to great effect both at work and in their personal lives – enabling them to achieve what they want to achieve in the way that they want to achieve.

At the end of the day, it’s all about getting clear on what it is that you want and making sure that your beliefs enable you rather than limit you.

If you want to work with a coach to achieve all of this and more, but you’re not ready for that one-to-one support, I’ve got a great membership called The Rising Leaders’ Circle, which is going to give you coaching and support in a group setting as well as a community of likeminded leaders intent on growing themselves and supporting others to do the same. 

So no need to be on your own. If the doors are open, come on in and try it out. 

If not, because they’re not always open – then sign up and get yourself on the waitlist, so that you’re amongst the first to know when I open the doors again.

Get yourself on the waitlist today: and join our flash opening this week with great bonuses!

What’s inside?

• Quarterly live webinars on leadership and management topics and questions, recorded for you to access at your leisure if you cannot attend live.

•  Your choice of topics so that the learning is relevant to your needs.

•   Downloadable presentations and supporting documents for each quarterly topic.

•   Weekly live Q&A sessions answering your most urgent leadership questions, recorded for you to access at your leisure.

•   Monthly live coaching and breakout sessions so you can get support from fellow members and get to know each other.

•   Free Motivational map and online guide (valued at £99) to understand what drives you and help you get more of that so that you keep your energy and performance up.

•   Free private Facebook group where we can support each other.

•   First to try out any new online courses with first to access special offers.

•   Mini workshops on hot topics like motivation.

  • Searchable library of leadership content

•   Monthly Rising Leaders’ Circle newsletter to include book, video and podcast recommendations.

•   Discounts on one-to-one coaching programmes with Sonia.

•   4 members a month to get a 20-minute laser coaching session, recorded and available for others too.

Get yourself on the waitlist today:

And remember if you found anything at all valuable in this article, then please like, share, and tell me what helped you the most today.

Visit us on YoutubeFacebookInstagram and LinkedIn today! Plus, if you have been wondering about the difference between coaching and mentoring (because there is a difference!) find out more by watching this video:

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