Worked with leaders from

What I can do for you

Online Leadership Skills Courses

Online leadership skills Courses 

Expand your skillset as a leader with a range of online courses designed to meet you where you're at and help you become a leader for today and tomorrow. Online but with the opportunity to still get support and ask questions.

Mentoring For Leadership Support

Group Coaching & mentoring for leadership support

The easiest and most cost effective way to get the support you need when you need it, as you develop into the leader you want to be with the support of likeminded individuals setting out on their own journey in business and in life.

One to One Leadership Coaching

One-to-one Leadership and Executive coaching

Want to make this year the year you achieve your goals? Want a totally personalised approach? Want a partner and cheerleader who will also challenge you to be your best? Then this might be just what you're looking for.

The Ultimate Package

Mastermind - the ultimate Leadership and Life experience

The ultimate investment in yourself for a whole year - your own coach, mentor and facilitator as well as a group of likeminded senior women to hold you accountable, challenge and support you. It's like your very own peer board and more!

Hi there

My name is Sonia Gavira

Born and raised in the UK, but to Spanish parents who have kept me close to my Spanish roots and with a love of languages, food and culture, I consider myself a global citizen and proud of it!

Entrepreneur, PCC credentialed coach, mum and wife – all parts of who I am rather than what I do, and it keeps me busy and having fun.

I love business and have always believed that business and its leaders can be and should be a force for good.

I've been lucky enough to lead some amazing teams AND work with leaders in some of the biggest companies in the world as well as start ups and SME's. The most impactful thing that it's taught me is that the best leaders are leaders of people first.

It's also made me passionate about encouraging a leadership style where power AND compassion can live together, where caring AND profitability are inextricably linked.

So, why do I do what I do?

* Because I want more women leaders to be overtly ambitious rather than secretly...

* Because making a difference and having an impact shouldn't be about burnout, sacrifice and little return.

* Because there have to be inspiring role models of leadership that are about power and strength AND compassion and caring.

* Because I’m here to tell you that you can do it differently, do it your way AND be successful.

Our world needs leaders who do it differently and succeed.

Our world needs role models for the future. And I’m here to support you on the journey…

I believe YOU can change this world and make it better. And I'm here to help you... and to help you do it on YOUR terms, so that you can have the career AND the life that you want.

my blog

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Sonia has a great ability to meet you where you are, help you define with real clarity what it is you need and will supportingly nudge you along the way so you reach your definition of success. Having known Sonia for more than a decade, with her experience across multiple industries, countries and cultures, she is able to keep the coaching relevant and even injects some fun along the way. For me, one of the best investments I have made for myself.

Debra Ross

LBCM Chief Credit Director - global

Sonia helped me unlock the self-confidence and self-awareness I needed to take firm, effective action. This not only resolved the issue at hand, it unlocked the confidence I needed to push for a new role within the company. There is no doubt that Sonia’s guidance helped me achieve both results (conflict resolution and a career change). She is patient, insightful, thoughtful and honest and helps individuals unlock their hidden potential. I would highly recommend working with Sonia if you’re looking to bring your best self to light professionally.

Kath Loosemore

Chief Operations Officer, Kantar Worldpanel

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Do you know what your dominant leadership style is and what it means? Finding out is a great way to discover what your strengths are and what you can do to continue to develop as a leader.

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