Motivation is an often used term in business and in sport, in fact whenever a lack of energy and drive and get up and go exist, motivation comes into question – how do I get more? how do I motivate them? why do I not have it?
And they are all valid questions – the problem comes when looking for a solution. Motivation is often seen as something in the “ether” something that isn’t tangible until you feel it or a lack of it. But it is essential as it really is one of the key drivers of performance.
You can have really clear goals, an outstanding vision and even a plan to get there; you can have all the skills you need (and if you are like me, a few that you don’t even really need but it was fun getting them!); but if you don’t have the energy, drive, passion, motivation to get it done, you will achieve nothing.
But it’s not enough to know what motivates you; you also need to learn how to use those motivators to reframe situations, goals, scenarios, to help you get into action.
In Motivational Maps, a tool that measures motivation, we look at 9 key drivers in three clusters as you can see below:
We mostly have 3 motivators on our radar and one at the bottom that can in some instances be a demotivator too – and too often ignored.
Let me give you an example of how you can use these motivators to get into action.
My top three motivators in order are:
1. Searcher : making a difference, having a purpose
2. Friend : Belonging, community
3. Spirit : Independence and freedom
My bottom motivator was Star, or external recognition
Following a few years leading an amazing team of coaches, consultants and trainers on a pan European engagement initiative for Ford Motor Company, I found myself looking for my next engagement and figuring out what I wanted to do next. The project had hit all my hot buttons:
We were making a huge difference to the people we were working with at Ford and I was able to give work to a fabulous group of people and offer them learning opportunities too.
As you can read in that last statement, community was large and I belonged.
The nature of the work meant that I was free to organise my time, travel and time at home.
It was never about me – I was happy promoting the team and individuals within it.
So now, how did I move forwards? I was really focussed on making a difference still, having and being part of a community and maintaining my independence, but something had changed. I wasn’t getting traction.
In comes the Star. Without a team to promote and talk about, there was only me I could promote, me I could speak about and search recognition for – and that was just not on my radar at all!
So, I had to do some work to reframe:
“Talking about my successes and failures, talking about what I love doing, putting myself out there as an expert is going to enable me to make a difference, create a community around that expertise and retain my independence and freedom”
From there, beliefs around self promotion, my value and worth, have been challenged and addressed in a way that helps me move forward, and I have done that with the help of my coach.
To find out more about motivation and the maps download our free brochure here