How to empower others
As a leadership and success coach, coaching is what I do, but why should all leaders adopt a coaching approach and what does this mean?
Tim Gallwey, creator
And when it's not useful
There's a goal that my clients often express:
Sonia, I want to be more strategic
What this is often about is a feeling that they have that someone
You don't!
I've lost count of the times that I've been asked this question. And if I'm truly honest, I've caught myself asking the very same question! And yet, it really
Avoiding conflict is not the goal
How can I stop getting into arguments?
How do I disagree with my boss?
How can I get people to agree with me?
These are things that I
And this applies to all humans!
As humans in the western world, we seem to have a very one dimensional model of leadership - authoritative, strong, powerful, action oriented, and although
When I looked up the definition of compassion I came across some different interpretations:
“sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others”
“compassion motivates people to go out of
In some ways this is similar to asking “What is your why as a leader?” and following in Simon Sinek’s footsteps.
But intent does also imply action to me and intent
So in my previous post I spoke about three key skills every leader today, must develop:
Curiosity, Intent and Compassion.
So let me share with you what I mean by curiosity, how
Go to any leadership school or course and you are sure to find a list similar to this:
Vision Communication Manage performance Engage the team Finance Strategy Innovation