In some ways this is similar to asking “What is your why as a leader?” and following in Simon Sinek’s footsteps.

But intent does also imply action to me and intent can be set a different levels.

For example, I spent a week intentionally setting my intent every day for that day and at the end of each day I would reflect on what had actually happened as a result. What I found was that not only did I have more focus and purpose, but that I also got more things done. It proved more useful than having a to do list, because the list in some way flowed out of the intent – the why of what I wanted to do. Setting an intent of “adding value” made me focus on those things that did add value either to me or to others, rather than those things that might still need to get done at some stage, but were adding no real value to anyone right now.

In the same way, you can set an intent for the year, 5 years, for you as a leader of an organisation, or for you as a person. Entering into Simon Sinek’s territory again, you can also set an intent for an organisation – what is your organisations’ “why”?


For me it is the why behind what you do and the actions you take.


If you set your intent and communicate from that intent, those you lead will understand the why behind what they are doing. It will enable them to focus on the value of what they are doing and enable them to design ways to get to that purpose.

This in turn will foster innovation as you will not be prescribing a route or a way to do things but focussing on the end goal, the why or purpose.

It will also help you as a leader keep your focus on the bigger picture whilst welcoming support to get it done.


As long as you not only have intent, but also communicate it and get into action, you will find:

  • People buy into your ideas and your direction because they understand the purpose of them.
  • You will be seen as someone who has purpose, knows where you’re going and able to bring people with you.
  • You will enable innovative thinking – being focussed on the intent, on the purpose will leave you open to others’ ideas about the how.
  • You will find it easier to communicate key messages with clarity and focus
  • You will get more done as will those around you

What else do you believe having intent will get for you? How do you make sure that intent has action? What is your intent?

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